New sign, same message: NO DRILL

Painting the Toroa on Quarantine Island

A crew of Oil Free Otago and St Martin Island people spent an amazing weekend on the Island enjoying each other’s’ company, planning, eating, pulling weeds and painting the giant Toroa on the chapel roof.
It’s always refreshing to spend time on this beautiful island, a sanctuary away from the distractions of modern life. We’ve been trained to think those distractions are the things that matter, but they don’t. What matters is community, working together to protect our beautiful natural environment. That’s what our giant albatross symbolises, a symbol of hope for a healthy sustainable future. We cannot continue to increase carbon emissions through drilling for more gas and oil to burn, without risking that future.
The threat posed by the oil and gas companies is far from over, with more seismic testing due this summer, and more exploratory drilling on the horizon.
The “No Drill” sign on the island jetty was taken down when Anadarko left but the sentiment remains. The Oil companies should know to expect resistance. We believe strongly in protecting our beautiful ocean and wildlife. They are not welcome here. Our Toroa is standing guard with us.

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